2007/07/10 | Music from the time of Christian IV & A.S Cantatas Vol 1
类别(乐韵丝竹) | 评论(1) | 阅读(76) | 发表于 15:45
<font face="宋体"><span style="font-size:6px">当找到心仪的唱片我会急不及待地放进CD机,开始一段“美妙时光”。四个月没逛唱片店,看到新品后和老板调笑说:“进的东西不错,有人教路?”对于chandos和BIS没下手,一个是现代作品不了解,一个是作品已经有了若不是很爱的曲目和演奏者就不浪费钱了。买下来的只有两张:

Music from the time of Christian IV
The Madrigal from the South to the North
The Consort of Musick
Anthony Rooley
EMMA Kirkby

Cantatas Volume I
CONIFER CLASSICS 75605 51293 2
Christine Brandes
Arcadian Academy
Nicholas McGegan


A.S的Cantatas VOL.1编写小册子的Laura Damuth深入浅出的介绍了作者和作品,四种语言对照的唱词,Arcadian Academy的五位成员和本次合作女高音Christine Brandes。McGegan先生是指挥和大键琴。我已经很久没听到McGegan先生的消息了,他专心研究Handel后就在幕前消失了!这张唱片是97年的录音,希望唱片公司能找找他,十年了,总会来个积厚薄发的吧!

回到唱片,这张包含了A.S四个作品,Gia lusingato appieno dai Zeffiri 是影射英格兰的詹姆斯二世娶了Mary Modena,应景之作。Arianna和Poi che riseppe Orfeo这两个不太需要介绍,Bella madre dei fiori 是与别不同的:

Bella madre , unlike the other cantatas , has an Arcadian pastoral theme . The nymph Clori is concerned with the fidelity of her beloved Fileno . All three arias in this cantata have same general formal design , namely two poetic strophes set to the same music alternating with instrumental sections (ritornelli) . These instrumental sections are not freestanding ; they each utilize some motive from the aria and freely develop it . Scarlatti adds variety to the arias in this cantata by changing the musical textures . For example , the first and last arias are scored for soprano and basso continuo with only the instrumental interludes utilizing the two violins , while the second aria , Vanne o caro is a tightly intertwined duet for voice and solo violin with virtuosic , florid runs for the voice and violin together . Bella madre ends with a long accompanied arioso in which the two violins and voice imitate each other , sharing the melodic material.


Music from the time of Christian IV

我买下它的第一个原因是The Consort of Musick和EMMA Kirkby 。你要问我唱片上涉及到的作者和曲目,我就只是知道作者而已。对于16、17世纪这些二线音乐家(以开发度来说)的作品我是第一次听,没什么发言权。The Consort of Musick和EMMA Kirkby 的出色演绎为我打开了一扇通向美丽花园的门。</font></span>

