2007/02/23 | L—O—V—E
类别(他山之石) | 评论(0) | 阅读(32) | 发表于 16:46




Title: L-O-V-E
By: Minks
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Slash, smut, fluff, humor
Warnings: Nudity, rimming, oral, anal sex, wanking, egg penii, not work/family safe.
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Disclaimer: The images under the cut portray graphic sexual situations between two egg-shaped characters. It's not pretty. If you have no sense of humor, or are posessed of a weak stomach, I'd advise you not to click. This is meant to be funny, not sexy. Also, there is some cavity-inducing fluff at the end. I won't be held responsible for your dental bills. So...click at your own risk, and all that.
Notes: The captions above each frame add up to my version of the song L-O-V-E, by Nat King Cole.
Notes II: You may notice that in this comic, I have given the eggs legs. This was necessary to make the porny things possible, and won't be a permanent change.
